perspective and perception
Most of the information available about interior design is written by journalists, writers and affiliates that have abilities mainly in communication. Few are the articles that give a real perspective and describe the reality behind the interior design that everybody consumes. And the reason that happens is the lack of interest of knowing aspects above the surface.
We overlook too often to notice how our perception is build for us by culture and society, accepting it on every level of our life. Forgetting to first use our perspective before assimilating it, this is how trends and novelty are integrated automatically in our reality influencing our needs, desires and actions.
You might think: what does this have to do with interior design? Well, everything.
Interior design is foremost a psychological process before anything else. All the items we rationally choose to fill our spaces are reflections of aspects of ourselves, are emotions, mental states and desires that we want to meet. These hidden aspects of ourselves are unconsciously choosing for ourselves what we think we need, like and want.
So based on lots of research that has been going on for centuries you can easily discern for yourself how the society has managed to shape for you, what you afterwards think is your own choosing.
It goes without saying that knowing yourself in depth of inner aspects is the only way you can start making choices that suits your authentic best interest.
Even if we like to embellish the design arena with infinite attributes for beauty in the end all is related to the individual and to the way he uses it and for the purpose for which he does.
The origin of the word design dates to the early 1500 and it was first used to express association to a sign (drawing) within high society projects or purposes. In the early ages design was associated with exclusivity, novelty, extreme beauty and wealth. Today design is less paired with beauty but with it’s main partner which is consumerism.
Even if the word design is quite young, its essence that made it arose is a mix of elements that are both transcendental and timeless. Design birthed in nature and in the natural state of being. Even if the word changes the meaning will always survive.
So, the purpose of these words are for the reader to become conscious of the fact that interior design has bigger meaning than just making a space beautiful or fulfilling a long lasting desire.
Interior design is presented to the society as a form of self realization inducing the belief that having high end items curated by the best professionals, is stating that you have reached a certain level that gives you accomplishment and also the drive to reach higher. This is exactly the mentality through which our choices continue to grow and reshape a society based in fragmentation, hierarchy and unconsciousness.
Having the ultimate high luxury design home or having a cozy one bedroom space are both the same thing as long as the one who chooses is using his full perception and is completely aware of his choice and of the influences that generate along.
I invite you, the reader, to scoop your inner resources so that you can envelop hidden beliefs, expectations, wants and desires staged in your personal system, so best choices can find you. You will be amazed of the results on the long run.
What i have discovered is the fact that when inauthentic perceptions are removed form ones mental screen, a new way of understanding comes up and it becomes so easy to answer questions about oneself.
You will surprise yourself with your own awareness about how important light is to you, or the texture of the sofa, or the warmth of the colors, the order of clothes in the closet, or even about the joy of using high technology around the electric and electronic devices. Things you never knew mattered become most valued aspects of your personal comfort.
Balance is also reached within financial aspects, because once you clarify what matters, cost and worth become 2 different filters. It still continues to amaze me how this type of clarity manages to accompany each individual through his acquisition process and he never reaches blockages, everything goes smoothly and even with unexpected happy synchronicity.
How does one become a match to this scenario? Well, it’s in fact really easy. But somehow seems difficult to some, because it requires a high degree of honesty, integrity and discipline.
Honesty and integrity because both will get you to that state of knowing yourself and discipline because you will need it’s strength to maintain the decisions and not get stimulated by one’s triggers.
For this journey to unfold you need first to start with the basic questions before reaching for the higher stages where you really bring to the surface your authenticity.
I leave you with a gift.
Below you can find 5 main questions, each with 3 follow up questions, that i use in DSFormula.
1.What is your main personal purpose for this project?
1.On a scale from 1 to 5, how important are others opinions about your space?
2.After you finish your project who will be your first invited guest? Will it be a party?
3.How much time do you estimate you will spend weekly in this space?
2.What are 3 main emotions that you want to feel every day in your space?
1.Do you like more or less light into a space?
2.What are the color tones you like to see in general? Or a main color!
3.What is the space you feel most creative? Office, kitchen, bedroom, outdoor or other?
3.Do you consider yourself an organized person?
1.When a space is chaotic do you still find the items you search for?
2.Do plants survive in your space?
3.What items are on your nightstand?
4.Look around your actual personal space and choose an item of furniture and decoration that you know details about. Why did you bought that exact item?
1.When you purchased it how much it mattered the price?
2.Did you see it or something similar in an acquaintances space?
3.How many other options did you have before choosing this one?
5.How much do you think money influences the outcome of a design process?
1.If you really like a product are you willing to go over budget?
2.Do you get easily triggered by others?
3.Are you a ‘second chance’ person or you have low tolerance to mistakes?
Take your time in answering and feel free to debate each aspect as profoundly as you can by asking: Why? How come i did this? What or who influenced this? When did i first start believing or doing this? and so on.
Answering this questions levels up the degree of honesty, integrity and discipline that we debated earlier so it is of most importance for one to take this time and release resistance to new discoveries of self.