interior design securitas

A Space of Inspiration – SECURITAS

‘See a different world’ is the slogan of Securitas and exactly this message became also the force that fueled the process of creation and implementation for the entire project. Following the international interior design brand concept, we managed to add a characteristic intrinsic to Romanian field and that is decorations. We all love decorations that make a space closer to a vibe of worth, collaboration and evolution, so all spaces are embellished with personalized vegetable pieces, walls and gardeners, pictures that represent Unity and Connection and textures like stone and wood to call upon Nature to enter the ambiance.


Our projects involves also collaborations together with various niche colleagues to create, achieve and promote top designs that need variety in expertise.

VERTICALIA – design and architecture studio

Diversity through the years

Here we present a promenade through our projects that along the years reflected best the diversity of requests and styles that contoured our clients.

interior design prooptica

Work Spaces meet Design – ProOptica

Spaces designed for work require a deep understanding of how we as human beings are capable of expressing creativity and productivity while still accessing a state of inner balance which give us joy and fulfillment. So color, shape and light were most important when we chose to contour the interior design for this project. What we loved most was the possibility to make each office space and also the common areas different from one another. Going through each ambient is like a journey of discovery, each time with excitement, you are mesmerized by these unexpected use of materials, combinations of textures, shapes effects and use of natural and decor light.

interior design space

New Beginnings

Transforming a house into a home is the request that came along with this project for a couple of newlyweds and young parents to be. Transition from an apartment to a house is an overwhelming step that most people need help with and we love this job because we have specially created our own formula. Through this system we identify the current needs of each member of the household and project also future demands that will come along the way based on lifestyle and personal needs. So in the end the home is fully contained within a feeling, and that state is given and sustained by the space that is always adapting to ones necessities, so it releases comfort, relaxation and order in a structure based on harmony and unity.

interior design lake house

The Lake House

Through The Lake House, we brought back to life a property that has been stagnant for over a decade. We managed to preserve and give new value to the most beautiful architectural curves, complementing them with new accents and volumes from a completely opposite spectrum, i.e. angular geometry. Both interior remodeling and the exterior of this space required totally different treatments compared to a newly built space. We would even say that the whole process was even more complex, it required awareness and special attention to details, to identify the key points of the initial construction from which we started in addition. The remodeling and the creation of environments from groupings of spaces again called for a good identification of the aesthetic and functional needs and requests of the clients, in order to create a result compatible with the architectural base.

interior design ccg holistic center

CCG Holistic Center

When CCG turned to us, they only had an idea and a volume of land available. This project is the concrete result of the important ability to ask the right questions and the power to understand what cannot yet be expressed in words. The functional and aesthetic proposals for this concept come and support, through the division of spaces and the flow created in each type of activity, the incorporation of optimal self-autonomy systems for utilities and agricultural sustainability, but at the same time preserve the possibility of maintaining the general image of an oasis of relaxation.

interior design creativity


This house was designed in 2015. We still reference this project because after almost a decade it continues to point out how boldness pays out in the end, giving a result of atemporality. To be creative means to play. And that is what we did with all this verity of materials that we used giving them different purposes than the obvious ones. The main concept which embedded this project was TRUST, the trust our clients had in our ability to understand their demands and transform them into reality. All designs are just a thought first. Luckily we are a reservoir of ideas.